Wednesday, September 8, 2010

YoO Dawq tTh1$ 1$ N1cCk N Dd3m3tr1, 2 hoodrats from the Midwest GhHett0 of T-Sprangs Flo-rida, Ya DIG?? We have been conjuring upon an uplifting new blog now for quite awhile. Our intensions for this blog are to show you some fast food pictures that we have taken in our spare time. The pictures will include the food, people, and anything to do with the fast food business that we find interesting or that we think YOU might find interesting because our primary concern is you!!! (: Along with the pictures, we shall be posting descriptions to match!! The description will be letting you know about the picture and maybe the background on what made us take that specific picture along with what we were thinking at the moment. Our goal is to be entertaining and satisfying to the mind!! (: We hope that you get some laughter out of our wonderous-fabulicious blog. In order to get this started we must set up this intro but some time this week will be our actual 1st real post. This blog is our project for our culinary class at Tarpon High. This is Nick and Demetri, signing off!

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